presented by Painted Hills Natural Beef
We believe that everyone learns every day and that we should always take advantage of learning new things as the opportunity presents itself. We also know that all of our lives are busy and learning sometimes can be time consuming when you have to do research to find the content you are looking for. Beef EDU by Painted Hills Natural Beef is a place where Butchers, Meat Cutters, Chefs, and Restaurant Owners can learn more about beef, ways to merchandise beef and tips and tricks of the trade that will help you get the best cuts possible that your customers are sure to enjoy.
We hope the below photos, videos and resources will help you, the meat cutters at your store’s meat counter and chefs gain something new right from the source, the beef producer.
Merchandising a Chuck Roll
In this video, Scott Mertens shows you a way you can merchandise a chuck roll to be ready to put in your case. Scott merchandises a chuck roll into Chuck Roasts, Chuck Eye Steaks, Chuck Short Ribs, Stew Meat and Ground Beef. This is just one example of a way to merchandise the chuck roll cut from Painted Hills Natural Beef.